Current weather condition

Beware: data may not be up to date!!!

The data is refreshed every three minutes.

Last update: 03:24 on 28 January 2023

Wind speed (average): 0 kts
Wind speed (max): 0 kts
Wind direction: 0 ---

Cloud base: 22295 ft

Temperature: 54.5 °C
Dew Point: 0.0 °C
Humidity: 0%
Pressure: 945.0 mb Rising slowly 0.1 mb/h

Wind Direction Distribution

windgauge compass windrose

Last update of the chart: 28 January 2023 03:24:41.
Beware: Chart and data information may vary!!!

Weather (links)

Weather from BAS

NOAA (42.3 23.8)


